You are here: Lua Scripting Resources eGuide > Introduction to Writing Lua Scripts > Writing Lua Scripts > Setting Script Permissions

Setting Script Permissions

You can set permission levels for a script and specify a password to protect a script. Follow these steps.

1. In the Script Editor window, click File > Set Permissions.

The Set Permissions dialog box opens.

2. In the Permissions Level area, select the appropriate security level:
Protected. The script can be run, but not viewed or edited.
View only. The script can be viewed, but not edited.
Unprotected. The script can be viewed and edited.
3. To secure a script, designate a password in the Security area.

Note: Use caution when setting passwords because they cannot be recovered.

4. Click OK.

The next time you click Insert > Script Editor > Edit Script, a Password Protected dialog box opens prompting for the password. Choose one of these options:

To edit the script, enter the password and click OK.
To view the script only, do not enter the password and click View.